In my previous post, I compared the first few seventeen- and eighteen-prime centuries to see what their patterns were like.
Most of the smallest seventeen- and eighteen-prime centuries, as noted in that post, are of the form 100k to 100k+99 where k is a number of the form 3n+1. This is not unexpected. A century from 300n+100 to 300n+199 contains 28 numbers not divisible by 2, 3, or 5, whereas a century from 300n to 300n+99 or from 300n+200 to 300n+299 contains only 26 numbers not divisible by 2, 3, or 5. (Divisibility by 7, however, means no century can contain so many as 26 prime numbers: indeed, the maximum number of primes any century after the first can theoretically contain is 23, and no century larger than the second is known to contain more than 20 primes).
As noted in the previous post about prime-rich centuries, the second seventeen- and the second eighteen-prime centuries have k of the form 3n+2. The next seventeen-prime century with k of the form 3n+2 or 3n is the sixteenth overall and the first seventeen-prime century after than the smallest eighteen-prime one. This century — from 190,818,931,155,800 to 190,818,931,155,899 — is also the first century after 1,400 to 1,499 with a single-digit count of composite numbers not divisible by 2, 3, or 5.
Below the second eighteen-prime century from 2,335,286,971,401,800 to 2,335,286,971,401,899 (actually alongside the prime number 2,335,286,971,401,799 there are nineteen primes in 101 numbers) there are:
- five centuries with seventeen primes and k of the form 3n+2
- six centuries with seventeen primes and k of the form 3n
I will tabulate these twelve centuries as two tables of six centuries each, and compare their prime patterns as I did for the centuries with k of the form 3n+1.
First Five Seventeen-Prime Centuries and First Eighteen-Prime Century with k of form 3n+2
14 |
1908189311558 |
6157376214122 |
18883149995801 |
22930638581651 |
23352869714018 |
190,818,931,155,803 |
615,737,621,412,203 |
1,888,314,999,580,103 |
2,293,063,858,165,103 |
2,335,286,971,401,803 |
1,409 |
615,737,621,412,209 |
2,293,063,858,165,109 |
2,335,286,971,401,809 |
615,737,621,412,211 |
2,293,063,858,165,111 |
190,818,931,155,817 |
615,737,621,412,217 |
2,293,063,858,165,117 |
190,818,931,155,821 |
2,293,063,858,165,121 |
2,335,286,971,401,821 |
1,423 |
190,818,931,155,823 |
615,737,621,412,223 |
1,888,314,999,580,123 |
2,293,063,858,165,123 |
2,335,286,971,401,823 |
1,427 |
615,737,621,412,227 |
1,888,314,999,580,127 |
2,335,286,971,401,827 |
1,429 |
615,737,621,412,229 |
1,888,314,999,580,129 |
2,335,286,971,401,829 |
1,433 |
190,818,931,155,833 |
615,737,621,412,233 |
1,888,314,999,580,133 |
2,293,063,858,165,133 |
1,439 |
615,737,621,412,239 |
2,293,063,858,165,139 |
190,818,931,155,841 |
2,293,063,858,165,141 |
2,335,286,971,401,841 |
1,447 |
615,737,621,412,247 |
1,888,314,999,580,147 |
2,293,063,858,165,147 |
2,335,286,971,401,847 |
1,451 |
190,818,931,155,851 |
1,888,314,999,580,151 |
2,335,286,971,401,851 |
1,453 |
615,737,621,412,253 |
1,888,314,999,580,153 |
2,293,063,858,165,153 |
190,818,931,155,857 |
1,459 |
190,818,931,155,859 |
1,888,314,999,580,159 |
2,293,063,858,165,159 |
2,335,286,971,401,859 |
190,818,931,155,863 |
2,335,286,971,401,863 |
190,818,931,155,869 |
615,737,621,412,269 |
1,888,314,999,580,169 |
2,293,063,858,165,169 |
2,335,286,971,401,869 |
1,471 |
190,818,931,155,871 |
615,737,621,412,271 |
1,888,314,999,580,171 |
2,335,286,971,401,871 |
2,293,063,858,165,177 |
2,335,286,971,401,877 |
1,481 |
615,737,621,412,281 |
1,888,314,999,580,181 |
2,293,063,858,165,181 |
1,483 |
190,818,931,155,883 |
615,737,621,412,283 |
1,888,314,999,580,183 |
2,335,286,971,401,883 |
1,487 |
190,818,931,155,887 |
1,888,314,999,580,187 |
2,293,063,858,165,187 |
2,335,286,971,401,887 |
1,489 |
190,818,931,155,889 |
615,737,621,412,289 |
1,888,314,999,580,189 |
2,293,063,858,165,189 |
2,335,286,971,401,889 |
1,493 |
190,818,931,155,893 |
1,888,314,999,580,193 |
1,499 |
190,818,931,155,899 |
615,737,621,412,299 |
1,888,314,999,580,199 |
2,335,286,971,401,899 |
Here, there seems more variation in the patterns than for the more numerous seventeen-prime centuries of the form 3
n+1. Nevertheless, there is the remarkable century from 1,888,314,999,580,100 to 1,888,314,999,580,199 that has
fifteen primes with identical last two digits to primes between 1,400 and 1,499! Given that there are 2,829,786 possible prime patterns for a century with seventeen primes, and that no repeating patterns with 17 primes are yet known, this is extraordinary since the larger century is merely the fifty-fifth containing seventeen prime numbers.
At least one repeating century with fifteen primes is known, although I remain unaware of its identity, and it certainly does not occur as early as the 55
th century with 15 primes [
856,019,600 to 856,019,699].
First Six Seventeen-Prime Centuries with k of form 3n
7658205745776 |
8078877131667 |
10137710652198 |
13862924841999 |
17176990713081 |
19441702516473 |
765,820,574,577,601 |
807,887,713,166,701 |
1,386,292,484,199,901 |
765,820,574,577,607 |
807,887,713,166,707 |
1,013,771,065,219,807 |
1,386,292,484,199,907 |
1,944,170,251,647,307 |
807,887,713,166,711 |
1,013,771,065,219,811 |
1,386,292,484,199,911 |
1,717,699,071,308,111 |
1,944,170,251,647,311 |
765,820,574,577,613 |
807,887,713,166,713 |
1,013,771,065,219,813 |
1,386,292,484,199,913 |
1,717,699,071,308,113 |
1,944,170,251,647,313 |
1,013,771,065,219,817 |
1,944,170,251,647,317 |
807,887,713,166,719 |
1,013,771,065,219,819 |
1,386,292,484,199,919 |
1,717,699,071,308,119 |
765,820,574,577,623 |
1,013,771,065,219,823 |
1,386,292,484,199,923 |
1,717,699,071,308,123 |
765,820,574,577,629 |
1,386,292,484,199,929 |
1,944,170,251,647,329 |
807,887,713,166,731 |
1,013,771,065,219,831 |
1,717,699,071,308,131 |
765,820,574,577,637 |
1,013,771,065,219,837 |
1,386,292,484,199,937 |
1,717,699,071,308,137 |
807,887,713,166,741 |
1,013,771,065,219,841 |
1,386,292,484,199,941 |
1,717,699,071,308,141 |
1,944,170,251,647,341 |
1,386,292,484,199,943 |
1,944,170,251,647,343 |
765,820,574,577,647 |
1,717,699,071,308,147 |
1,944,170,251,647,347 |
765,820,574,577,649 |
807,887,713,166,749 |
1,013,771,065,219,849 |
1,717,699,071,308,149 |
807,887,713,166,753 |
1,013,771,065,219,853 |
1,717,699,071,308,153 |
1,944,170,251,647,353 |
765,820,574,577,659 |
807,887,713,166,759 |
1,013,771,065,219,859 |
1,944,170,251,647,359 |
765,820,574,577,661 |
1,717,699,071,308,161 |
1,944,170,251,647,361 |
807,887,713,166,767 |
1,386,292,484,199,967 |
1,717,699,071,308,167 |
1,944,170,251,647,367 |
765,820,574,577,671 |
807,887,713,166,771 |
1,386,292,484,199,971 |
765,820,574,577,673 |
1,013,771,065,219,873 |
1,717,699,071,308,173 |
1,944,170,251,647,373 |
765,820,574,577,677 |
807,887,713,166,777 |
1,013,771,065,219,877 |
1,386,292,484,199,977 |
1,717,699,071,308,177 |
765,820,574,577,679 |
1,013,771,065,219,879 |
1,386,292,484,199,979 |
1,717,699,071,308,179 |
765,820,574,577,683 |
807,887,713,166,783 |
1,386,292,484,199,983 |
1,717,699,071,308,183 |
1,944,170,251,647,383 |
807,887,713,166,789 |
1,013,771,065,219,889 |
1,386,292,484,199,989 |
1,944,170,251,647,389 |
765,820,574,577,691 |
807,887,713,166,791 |
1,386,292,484,199,991 |
1,717,699,071,308,191 |
1,944,170,251,647,391 |
765,820,574,577,697 |
807,887,713,166,797 |
1,013,771,065,219,897 |
1,944,170,251,647,397 |
This list seems, on the whole, more random than either list previously considered. No pair of these six centuries has more than thirteen common primes (807,887,713,166,700 and 1,013,771,065,219,800), which does not seem surprising. There is:
- one pair of last two digits (k13) that is prime for all six
- the same as for the first ten centuries with eighteen primes and ten composites not divisible by 2, 3, or 5
- one pair of last two digits (k43) with only two primes
- the minimum in the centuries mentioned in the preceding point is three