Sunday 12 April 2009

An essay on a botched job

Over the last week I have written an Epinions essay criticising ChooseCo's reprinting of the Choose Your Own Adventure series.

A point I am curious about is what R.A. Montgomery and Shannon Gilligan will do once they runs out of their own books to reprint. Probably next will be either the books of R.A. Montgomery's deceased son Ramsey or Jay Leibold titles like Sabotage, Grand Canyon Odyssey, Spy for George Washington, The Antimatter Formula, You Are a Millionaire or Surf Monkeys, all of which are listed on the recently revised ChooseCo site. If they do not reprint these, it will be a surprise if they reprint one of the many other authors who have licensed their rights to ChooseCo without having a book reprinted. More likely they will simply end their reprints and who knows if anybody will be curious to take the series up again.

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