Tuesday 18 June 2019

Rarity of full-period prime denominators in rational approximations of irrational numbers

Ever since, a few months ago, I began to discover that – in addition to the very well-known approximation of 22/7 for πœ‹ – other irrational numbers had frequently used rational approximations, I have been struck by one fact: that full-period primes occur very rarely as denominators in such fractions, especially in the most useful rational approximations for hand calculations.

In order to test this hypothesis I have compiled a representative selection of irrational numbers in the table below, useful rational approximations for these numbers, and the periods of these rational approximations. For most numbers the most common rational approximation has been used; in certain cases like the square root of 6 and πœ‹, I have given more than one rational approximation, with that with the larger denominator naturally more accurate.
Number Decimal expansion Rational Approximation Period Prime factorisation of denominator Character and type of prime factors
√2 1.4142135623730950488016887242 99/70 6 2•5•7 Composite
Full-period and terminating factors
√3 1.7320508075688772935274463415 97/56 7 2•2•2•7 Composite
Full-period and terminating factors
√5 2.2360679774997896964091736687 161/72 1 2•2•2•3•3 Composite
Short-period (unique) and terminating factors
√6 2.4494897427831780981972840747 49/20 0 2•2•5 Composite
Terminating decimal
218/89 44 89 Half-period prime
√7 2.6457513110645905905016157536 127/48 1 2•2•2•2•3 Composite
Short-period (unique) and terminating factors
√10 3.1622776601683793319988935444 117/37 3 37 Short-period (unique) prime
√11 3.3166247903553998491149327366 199/60 1 2•2•3•5 Composite
Short-period (unique) and terminating factors
∛2 1.2599210498948731647672106072 63/50 0 2•5•5 Composite
Terminating decimal
∛3 1.4422495703074083823216383107 75/52 6 2•2•13 Composite
Half-period prime factor
∛4 1.5874010519681994747517056392 100/63 6 3•3•7 Composite
Half-period and short-period (unique) factors
227/143 6 11•13
∛5 1.7099759466766969893531088725 171/100 0 2•2•5•5 Composite
Terminating decimal
∛6 1.8171205928321396588912117563 467/257 256 257 Full-period prime
(accurate to 1-in-33,629,323!)
∜2 1.1892071150027210667174999705 44/37 3 37 Short-period (unique) prime
∜3 1.3160740129524924608192189017 25/19 18 19 Full-period prime
229/174 28 2•3•29 Composite
Full-period, short-period and terminating factors
21/5 1.1486983549970350067986269467 85/74 3 2•37 Composite
Short-period (unique) and terminating factors
21/12 1.0594630943592952645618252949 89/84 6 2•2•3•7 Composite
Full-period, short-period and terminating factors
πœ‹ 3.1415926535897932384626433832 22/7 6 7 Full-period prime
355/113 112 113 Full-period prime
e 2.7182818284590452353602874713 193/71 35 71 Half-period prime
ee 15.154262241479264189760430272 197/13 6 13 Half-period prime
2849/188 46 2•2•47 Composite
Full-period prime factor
eπœ‹ 23.140692632779269005729086367 1481/64 0 2•2•2•2•2•2 Terminating decimal
ln 2 0.6931471805599453094172321214 61/88 2 2•2•2•11 Composite
Short-period (unique) prime factor
log10 2 0.3010299956639811952137388947 59/196 42 2•2•7•7 Composite
Terminating and squared full-period prime factor
If we study this table, we see that, for whatever reason, there seem to be very few full-period prime denominators. The two well-known approximations for πœ‹, one approximation for the fourth root of three, and one remarkable approximation for the cube root of six are the only exceptions. [The cube root of six – which has minor notability as the geometric mean of 1, 2 and 3 – I did not originally intend to include but decided to do so because the approximation 467/257 is so amazingly accurate, being superior to the famous MilΓΌ approximation for πœ‹].

Why this should be so is an interesting question. It is possibly because the way in which the continued fractions used to find such approximations as 467/257 for ∛6 would add factors in the finding of “common denominators” needed for addition of fractions, although I have not checked this yet.

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