Thursday, 16 July 2009

An nasty surprise: Islamic law is operating in Britain

According to this site in The Daily Mail, there are as many as eighty-five Islamic law, or sharica, courts operating in Britain today, with little or no pressure from the British government to change the way they work.

This is a more serious warning of Islamic takeover in Europe than I had ever been tempted to make before. From the knowledge of rapidly falling fertility in the highly urbanised Muslim world today, I had assumed that the spread of sharica would not be permanent because high birth rates would not be sustained. However, if those Muslims in favour of strict sharica can reproduce at a rate far greater than Iran's surprisingly secular population can, then there is a real prospect of Europe being under sharica in the future. Given the record on human rights of countries with long-established sharica, this would be disastrous for the free world.

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